Education Secretary

3098 days ago

Brexit Scare story of the day - why didn't silly Minister Nicky Morgan go the whole way and liken Eurosceptics to paedophiles?

Yes it is official. Today's fairy tale from Project Fear is that if you vote to leave the EU on June 23rd you will be damaging your children and grandchildren. Hell's teeth why didn't Education Secretary Nicky Morgan just go the whole hog and liken Eurosceptics to paedophiles?

The ludicrous assertion is based on the idea that the economy will be damaged by Brexit so young folks will not get jobs. But Ms Morgan asserts this economic view as if it is a proven fact which of course it is not. And thus her whole proposition is just based on opinion and is thus nothing more than an assertion. 

In case you think the paedophile jibe is going a little far I refer you
